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Sunday, January 13, 2008

MBA Edge

A masters programme viz MBA is professional preparation for a management career. It provides a starting platform for understanding the structure of the business that you are entering. An MBA holder has better decision-making abilities, has structural thinking, is focused and can do better business. One gets a taste of how theory is applied in practice. It provides knowledge of many aspects of business - not enough for one to claim mastery over it, but enough to know the issue that need to be looked at, the possibilities and options available, the ramification etc. The same knowledge can certainly be acquired without MBA also but it would come through trial and error, through making most mistakes during one's working life. MBA programme helps in fast forwarding the learning process, vicariously based on other peoples' experiences. The kind of skill-sets that an employer look for are most commonly found in MBA's. The kind of skills that you learn while doing MBA, find better use at a later stage, when you are in the middle or senior management level.

The MBA and PGDF Program will give you the opportunity to develop a range of highly valued professional skills and a competitive edge in your Finance career.

Career Progression : In most professional organizations, the senior managers are usually trained in management areas. There are more opportunities for management trained personnel than for almost any other functional qualification. Our Programs will provide a quantum jump in career progression.

The MBA/PGDF Program with its general management focus, and the blend of Indian and International perspective will be your key competitive advantage as you enter the fiercely competitive business environment. It will help you move ahead of the pack and allow you accelerated access to senior management positions.

Personal Growth : The MBA Program will impart you with a perspective which enables you to relate to the entire business environment within which you may operate. You will be able to understand the impact of various decisions and play a significant role in them. The MBA Program will also help you understand business sufficiently to plan your own career and entrepreneurial moves successfully. And, of course, a more rewarding life, a better set of peers and recognition by society are sources of additional satisfaction.

Continuous Learning : The MBA Program is a tremendous learning opportunity. It will allow you to update your knowledge and skills significantly. The knowledge you acquire needs constant upgradation. And the learning methodology in the MBA Program provides you with a mechanism to seek, comprehend and internalize knowledge on a continuing basis.

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