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Monday, December 17, 2007

The Effect of Spyware on Work Productivity

When a major corporation is dealing with the issues of having multiple computers in the building, it is easy for many things to go unmentioned or unnoticed. With all the Spyware on the market however, it is easy to see why this seems to be such a big problem. When people are using machines at work to fiddle around on break, or before and after clock time, this is a very easy way to allow a very common pest into the workspace. The pest we are speaking of is Spyware, and it is a very large problem not only to homes, but to major businesses, as well. Realistically all it takes is for someone to open a port that is otherwise not open through the business, and the next thing you know the company has some major issues to sort out. If an employee does not figure that a Spyware program can disrupt productivity in the work place, they are gravely mistaken. All it takes is for someone to allow access to a crappy program, and the next thing you know the entire system is being monitored. This will surely pave the way for all sorts of undesirables to use company recourses at will. When someone gains access to a main system in a major corporation, it is as if the playground is now open for that individual alone. Messing with homepages, tapering with site viewing and even worse attacking and flooding the e-mail database are only a few instances that can occur. If for whatever reason the attack is centered on the main e-mail list, floods of garbage information even porn can be sent to the people on those lists. This would be a very hard thing to explain to the clients, and even harder for them to trust you again. When someone obtains an open port, it is not merely by coincidence; generally someone in the company is using the work computer for personal business or pleasure. This by all means is a direct method of interfering with productivity, when someone puts the company mainframe in harm this is a careless and neglectful level of professionalism. It affects every worker all the way down the line, and slows all that has to be done on the computers. Sometimes, however, it is not an employee at all that allows for such an attack. If the company hires an IT specialist to come in and wire up their network, sometimes it can be as simple as the laziness of the specialist and trying to cut corners that allows for such a simple breach of the system. Most of the time however, this type of breach is worse than the simple downloading of a minor Spyware from an employee on their lunch hour par say. This is the kind of negligence that leaves an entire system wide open; this is because the programming and parameters have not been set. When this happens, many times there can be a major problem in the mist, when the system will refuse entry from even a password encrypted port block. If this happens, it can easily leave the entire computer system on a stall, and virtually shut down the productivity of the business. Keeping a very tight lock on open ports is an extremely important issue when it comes to a major company. It would be a little premature to assume that an employee is the direct result of a breach in the system, however it is more likely that the IT specialist scenario. This is because the IT specialist can easily have their work traced back to them, if they do shoddy work, or cut corners in the long run, it will catch up with them. It is easy for an employee to forget sometimes that they are on a machine that is not theirs and can easily be attacked to the point that it ends up costing their company a lot of money. It is not such a horrible thing for an employee to wait until they are at home to use their yahoo messenger, or download music to their mp3 player. This will ensure that the company keeps a tight lip on the open ports that really need not be open, and the entire Spyware situation in a whole. Best Wishes, Ben Shaffer PS. Scan your PC for free by visiting the following link. 41,890,949 other people have done as of this morning.

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