The challenge many Internet marketers have is keeping people from unsubscribing from their e-mail list. You spend time to build it and your list gradually fades away if it is not constantly updated. The reason why many unsubscribe from someone’s e-mail list is because they no longer see value in the things they are receiving. That is why it is important to give your list relevant material that will keep them interested.
What is relevant material. That is very subjective. It depends on your niche and what your niche is interested in. You must determine what is important to your list and provide it for them on a consistent basis. Many list owners will sell to their list and that is the extent of the contact they have. List owners like this are constantly fighting to keep their list full. They have unsubscriber’s regularly. Think about it, none of us want to have a sales person come to our door every day with something else they are offering to sell to us. Eventually we will stop opening the door.
But if you were to provide relevant material to your list on a consistent basis perhaps alternating free informative niche based information to your list with sales your subscribers will remain much longer on your list. People want to feel as if they are being helped and learning something rather than have their pockets fleeced every time they see your name.
By providing people with good content, informative content your list will start to look at you as someone who is a leader in your field. It gives you the opportunity to cultivate a strong relationship of trust with your readers.
So how do you create relevant content for your list? You can do one of three things, you can borrow it (from someone else who wrote it), you can create it yourself or you can buy it (making you the owner of the content). We will discuss these methods in part 2 Email list--Keeping Your List Responsive Part 2 How To Finding Relevant Material.
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