In the first part of this series we discussed how important relevant material was to keeping subscribers on your e-mail list. Here we will discuss ways to find fresh relevant material that will help you keep your subscribers interested in your list.
It is first vital that you understand what your niche is interested in, only in this way will you be able to provide them with relevant material. That being said how do you get content that will keep people coming back for more week after week. I will mention several here.
The first and most simple to think of is to ask them. You created a list of individuals that should see you as the expert in the industry, they want to know what you think and what your opinion is on topics that concern them. So ask, periodically send out an e-mail to your list and ask them what challenges they are facing? What do they think will help them? And what would they like to know about the niche that you may be able to teach them. It is not a weakness on your part to ask this of your list but instead it helps you to focus more on their needs and they would appreciate that. Once you get your surveys back now you can go to work producing content that you know is relevant to your niche.
The second way we will discuss is to surf the web. Go to the forums of where your niche spends their time. Look for questions such as How do I, or were do you find, or anything that looks as if people need help with. If the question seems like it is broad enough or will fit into your niches skill base use that question and create content around it. In many cases if several people have the same questions you can almost bank on it that others share that same question and an article or email around that subject may just be what your group is looking for.
A third way of finding relevant material is by searching the article directories to see what others have written about your niche and using that article as information for your list. When you do this you cannot alter the article, or change it in any way, it has to appear the way that you originally saw it. If not you are in violation of copy right laws. So use it as you found it.
The fourth and final way that I will discuss is to have your content created. If you are short on time or maybe not a good writer but you want your name to appear as the author then you can hire a ghost writer, a person who will write for you and allow you to take credit as the author, and these articles you can either post or e-mail to your list as original content. Because you commissioned the work you are the creator of it. The ghost writer can research the topic for you and come up with what they may think is relevant for your niche or you can tell them what to write about based on the information from above. I recommend you instruct them, in this way you will be in control of the information being produced.
There are tons of sources for original relevant content on the web that you will never run out of things to write about or to say. So follow the steps above and you will find that you have a never ending supply of relevant information for your e-mail list.
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