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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bird Sounds

The addition of a counter to this page revealed quite a few visitors to this part of the Knutsford Ornithological Society website! Initially (1995) it was an exercise in the production of .wav and .ra sound files for inclusion on a website so others could download them to their own computer. Encouraged by the number of visitors I'll perhaps try and add a few other examples of the songs and sounds of British birds in the months to come.
For most of these sounds two types of file are available (now three - some newer files will be in MP3 format)
. wav file - slightly better quality than Real Audio, but larger and will therefore take longer to download. No special player required, your system will have one installed.
.rm file - this is a Real Audio file, smaller and quicker to load. Requires RealPlayer a simple (relatively) FREE download from the BBCand not only will you be able to listen to these recordings but also explore the cutting edge of technology, with real- time video and 100's of radio stations broadcasting live in RealAudio.

species arranged in systematic order.

Canada Goose. Although not a native of Britain, firmly established and originally chosen as the Society's emblem. A sound familiar to all residents of Knutsford, birdwatchers or not, heard mostly in Winter as flocks move constantly between the local Meres.
.wav (171KB)............ra (31KB)
Buzzard. After their dramatic decline in the 60's and 70's the species became very rare in the area. The situation now appears to have been reversed and once again the call of the Buzzard can be heard on a regular basis.
.wav (150KB)............ra (19KB)
Ringed Plover. Widespread on passage along the coast, less common inland, but often noted at Neumann's Flash and Haydyn's Pool (Northwich). Nests at one or two locations in the county.
.wav (239KB)............ra (25KB)
Lapwing One of nature's most evocative sounds, when first heard each year it's a sure sign that Spring is just around the corner.
.wav (295KB)............ra (56KB)
Curlew. Has nested in good numbers locally, although fewer of late. Plenty in the hills and here in Winter on the Dee estuary.
.wav (313KB)............ra (28KB)
Whimbrel. Was known as the Seven Whistler in some areas at one time. It's not difficult to see why.
.wav (308KB)............ra (28KB)
Green Sandpiper A relatively common Autumn visitor, sometimes remaining throughout the Winter
.wav (84KB)............ra (11KB)
Redshank. Both Common and Spotted Redshank on this recording - first the chewit, chewit of the Spotted followed by the more familiar calls of the Common Redshank.
.wav (374KB)............ra (37KB)
Greenshank. Big, bold and very noisy - best seen in the highlands of Scotland
.wav (224KB)............ra (23KB)
Bar-tailed Godwit. Seen during Spring passage at Mobberley SQ, we always get such super views on the sandy beaches of Lindisfarne.
.wav (318KB)............ra (28KB)
Black-tailed Godwit. Now wintering in large numbers on Frodsham Marshes.
.wav (274KB)............ra (28KB)
Common Tern Seen annually over the Cheshire meres during the Spring & Autumn passage.
.wav (341KB)............ra (28KB)
Little Tern Plenty around on the Dee estuary, they have been recorded from both Tatton and Rostherne.
.wav (237KB)............ra (23KB)
Sandwich Tern. Recorded at Rostherne but not Tatton, very common on our August trip across to Hilbre. "Carrick, Carrick the same as Altrincham's big center forward of the 1970's which will make it a lot easier to remember won't it!
.wav (233KB)............ra (23KB)
Stock Dove. Often overlooked, nests in Tatton's Dog Wood and can be heard from early Spring to late Summer
.wav (372.kb) ............. .ra (34kb)
Woodpigeon. Abundant! with an abundantly boring "song".
.wav (266KB)............ra (28KB)
Collared Dove. First nested in the UK in the mid 50's and has since spread to Iceland and even the USA - aren't you lucky at 4 am with one on your tv aerial!
.wav (251KB)............ra (23KB)
Turtle Dove. A long distant Summer migrant with a song like one of those 1970's trimphones!
.wav (302KB)............ra (34KB)
Cuckoo.. Unmistakable (or was until Collared Doves arrived on the scene to confuse the hard of thinking) declining rapidly
.wav (257kb.)...........ra (34kb)
Barn Owl. A slowly recovering population thanks to various re-introduction schemes. At least two nest sites now in Mobberley. Adult + young here.
.wav (194kb)............ra (38kb)............mp3 (145kb)
Little Owl. Now perhaps the most frequently heard of the owl calls in the Knutsford area.
.wav 209(kb) ............ra (47kb)............mp3(145kb)
Tawny Owl. Active from November onwards, still plenty about. Here two males and a female + plod.
.wav (248kb)............ra (56kb)............mp3 (183kb)
Swallow (now more correctly - Barn Swallow). Nests under cover inside any suitable building, especially farms with their abundance of insect life
.wav (346.kb) ............. .ra (34kb)
Carrion Crow. "A crow in a crowd is a rook, a rook on it's own is a crow"........ old Yorkshire saying used a lot by my Grandad, John William (Jack ) Sayer, 1892 - 1966 who first introduced me to Birdwatching.
.wav (389KB)............ra (39KB)
Rook A pleasing, less raucous call than that of the Carrion Crow.
.wav (215KB)............ra (23KB)
Green Woodpecker. A Tatton speciality with up to five pairs thought to be breeding - easy to see (or hear!) why it used to be known as the "Yaffle"
.wav (266kb)............ra (39kb)
Great & Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers. Normally a case of - is it a Greater at a distance of a Lesserpecker close to? The Greater is normally shorter and more resonant than the Lesser which is delivered at a constant pitch.
.wav (394kb.) ......... .ra (50kb)
Robin Sings for most of the year, this is it's rather wistful Autumn rendering. NB this is our European Robin - not the American Robin !
.wav (224KB)............ra (29KB)
Whinchat Used to breed throughout the Cheshire Plain, now you have to travel to the Pennines to be resonably sure of catching up with a singing male in the breeding season.
.wav (330Kb.)..............ra (38Kb.)
Blackbird. The commonest of our resident Thrushes and perhaps the best songster amongst them - who needs the Nightingale!
.wav (195.kb) ............. .ra (50kb)
Song Thrush. More repetitive than the Mistle, heard from December onwards, peaking in March/April.
.wav (385kb.) ............. .ra (50kb.)
Mistle Thrush. The Stormcock...... early in the year, when the weather is broken, the bird perches high on a tall tree and in exultant and ringing song defies the elements....... T.A.C.
.wav (210kb.) ........... .ra (50kb)
Grasshopper Warbler. The "gropper" breeds in thick overgrown vegetation, normally close to water. Listen carefully it's easily missed.
.wav (241.kb) ............. .ra (23kb)
Reed Warbler. The bird of Knutsford Moor - breeds in good numbers and it's arrival is eagerly awaited each Spring, compare it's song with the one below
.wav (146KB)............ra (27KB)
Sedge Warbler. Also breeds annually but in smaller numbers - the songs of this and the preceding species are often confused by beginners.
.wav (213KB)............ra (39KB)
Garden Warbler. More sustained and with less variation than the Blackcap. Common but often overlooked, fond of Sallow
.wav (277.kb) ............. .ra (28kb)
Blackcap. Very common all across our area, has a strong affinity for the rhododendrons in Tatton. Song easily confused with that of the Garden Warbler
.wav (333.kb) ............. .ra (24kb)
Common Whitethroat. Delightful little songster, not very tuneful but makes up for that by sheer exuberance. (Lesser Whitethroat in the background)
.wav (339.kb) ............. .ra (34kb)
Lesser Whitethroat. The birdwatchers's bird. learn the song and you'll be surprised just how many there are nesting round the lanes of Cheshire.
.wav (315kb.) ............ .ra (55kb)
Willow Warbler. The most widespread of our summer warblers - has hit the skids since 2000 .
.wav (321.kb) ............. .ra (34kb)
Chiffchaff. One of the first Summer migrants to return, sometimes as early as the Sand Martin.
.wav (244kb).............ra (34kb)
Wood Warbler. Mainly heard on passage but has bred in Tatton. Alderley Woods is it's local stronghold. Song likened to a sixpence spinning on a dinner plate.
.wav (297.kb) ............. .ra (28kb)

Only ever heard once (Listeners from outside Europe may need an explanation!)
.wav (705kb) .............. .ra (80kb.)

Eric Hardy on Radio Merseyside from 1977 .ra only (1.2Mb.)

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